News & Events
NurtureStars children celebrate 55 years of SAF Day
While this year’s celebration of SAF Day on 1st July was a simple no-frills event held at the SAFTI Military Institute Memorial Hall because of Covid-19, NurtureStars children at all the six preschool centres [...]
NurtureStars children help raise nearly $80,000 for charity home
Children at all the six NurtureStars preschool centres located in SAFRA clubs have helped to raise a total of $77,888 for the Ju Eng Home for Senior Citizens since 2013. The funds were raised [...]
Children at NurtureStars challenged to learn about Covid-19 ABCs
One of the first major activities that children at NurtureStars enjoyed doing after returning to school from 19 June was the 15-day Back-to-School ABC Challenge. In the first two weeks of the post-Circuit Breaker [...]
Tips for managing your child in a climate of social distancing
Even as Singapore gradually lifts its circuit breaker measures, some parents may still choose to keep their little ones at home. Moreover, social distancing will still need to be observed, with socialising and venturing [...]
Ready to be back in school?
As preparation is underway for the re-opening of school premises after an almost 2-month Circuit Breaker (CB) period, are you worried that your child might face separation anxiety? NurtureStars has a couple of quick [...]
Immunity Booster Recipes for Kids
Now that an unprecedented number of us are working from home, parents might want to try whipping up immunity boosting juices to keep Juniors strong and healthy! NurtureStars’ in-house food, nutrition and hygiene specialist [...]