On 9th of May 2018 (which day please) was probably one of the happiest days for children at the six NurtureStars preschool centres across the island. That day, the centres marked Mother’s Day, giving them the chance to do lots of things and bond with their mummies and, some, with their daddies too.
At the NurtureStars centre @ SAFRA Yishun, about 120 parents joined their children from pre-nursery to kindergarten 2 to mark the special day for their mums. The teachers organized a host of interesting games to foster bonding, including three-legged race, leading blind-folded mum to the ball game, baby crawling contest, and a “guess what mummy likes” quiz.
The celebration was opened with a dance by the children for their mummies to the tune of “You are my sunshine”. After the activities, the children served fruit and sandwiches, which they helped to make to their parents and had more bonding while enjoying the food.

Children performing “You are my sunshine” dance for their parents.

An obvious struggle in the three-legged race.

Bonding with Mummies and Daddies over food.