For Total Defence Day on 15 February, children at all the six NurtureStars centres learned about the six pillars of defence and even life-saving first aid skills They practised using bandages to help the “wounded” in an emergency scenario.
The theme for this year’s campaign was “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”. It focused on the many ways we can play our part in Total Defence in our everyday lives.
Younger children were introduced to the 6 pillars of Total Defence through storytelling and videos. Kindergarten children learned through discussion, sharing of current issues and dramatic play. All the children also enjoyed colouring a poster extolling the importance of staying united and resilient, and making craft related to defence.
The activity that absorbed the children’s attention was how they could help the injured in a an emergency, using bandages and other first aids. They had fun trying out various approaches to dressing wounds.
Total Defence Day is observed by NurtureStars Preschool annually on February 15, the day that Singapore surrendered to Japan in 1942 during World War II. It is part of the country’s National Defence strategy to prepare every segment of society for the defence of the nation.

Two children saluting the nation with their
crafted fireman “hard hats”.

Learning to dress a “head wound”