With the country experiencing increasingly hotter days, it was timely for children at NurtureStars Preschool to be reminded of the importance of protecting Mother Earth.

Earth Day on 22 April 2024 presented an excellent opportunity for the children at all the seven preschool centres to do just that. Having felt the brunt of the heat, they gamely listened intensely to their teachers telling them stories and reading books on our lovely planet called Earth. It helped them to internalise lessons on how they could play a role in preserving the environment before our planet gets hotter.

To foster a sense of ownership and commitment to protecting the environmental, the teachers had also organised a variety of interesting hands-on activities for the children. The little ones got to know more about the Earth the fun way, including things that could be recycled and reused.

Activities included identifying recyclable materials, planting seeds in used plastic bottle, creating craft from recycled materials, and colouring pictures of packaging using all kinds of materials including plastic, which can be very harmful to Earth.

Some children even made signages with environmental protection messages to display them at various locations in their centres to raise awareness.

Planting green beans in used plastics bottles allows the children to learn how some foods can be grown.

Art and craft help the children to remember what can be recycled and reused.