News & Events
Crestar Education Group Receives the Singapore HEALTH Award 2019 – Healthy Pre-school (Platinum)
Crestar Education Group (Crestar) has been awarded the Singapore HEALTH Award 2019, under the Healthy Pre-school (Platinum) category. This is in recognition of the group’s sustained efforts in championing health promotion initiatives for the [...]
SAFRA Presents Kinderland the Commendation Award with Special Mention
Dr Maliki Osman presented the SAFRA Commendation Award to Kinderland Educare Services Chief Executive Officer, Mr Robert Leong on 26 September 2019 Kinderland Educare Services is proud to receive the Commendation [...]
Fun time on Children’s Day at all NurtureStars Centres
Every year, Children’s Day is celebrated in October here in Singapore. It’s a day to observe and recognise the rights of children to learn and grow, be curious, playful, and happy. Children’s Day has [...]
1,000 parents join their children at NurtureStars Sports Day 2019
Young pre-schoolers rarely have the chance to “compete” in sports and relay games. At NurtureStars Sports Day on 24 August 2019 the children found that they could really have fun competitively, especially with their [...]
Work together, have fun together, stay together
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." – Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese poet. Great things are never done by one person, so every year the teachers and staff of NurtureStars Preschool spend [...]
NutureStars children mark SAF Day with Army songs
Every year children at all of NurtureStars’ six preschool centre mark SAF Day with activities to remind them of the important of service to the nation. On 1st July, the children spent time learning [...]