The continued Covid safety measures did not dampen NurtureStars’ Annual Graduation Concert 2021, as 113 Kindergarten 2 children from its six preschool centres participated in performances to mark their rite of passage to primary schooling.
Each centre held its own concert. The theme for this year was “You’ve got a friend in me”. The children performed an English and a Chinese item in line with the theme, in addition to the graduation ceremony that featured valedictory speeches from selected students.
They opened their concerts with “100% Courage”, an item designed by JACPA that required “bold and fun gymnastic moves” for them to stay fit and healthy. The children sang and danced to such tunes as “Good Time”, “Friend Like Me” “I’ll be there for you” and “Amigo”.
The concerts held between end-November and mid-December were video recorded for the children to share the joyous occasion with their parents in the comfort of their homes.
In spite of the Covid safety restraints, the children boldly put in a lot of practice with the guidance of their teachers to ensure their concert was a success. Displaying resilience and solidarity, they spoke, sang and danced with face masks and shields on.
LTC (Ret) Ho Lye-Sum, Chairman, NurtureStars Joint Management Committee, who delivered the opening message for the concert, said NurtureStars selected the theme “You’ve got a friend in me” because the Preschool wanted the children “to go forth appreciating the friendships and bonds established during this difficult time.”
“We want them to value friendship and to remember that friends can be a source of support when they face their next challenge in life,” he added.

Lead by Ms Mimi of JACPA, our children showing off confidence, agility, discipline and teamwork in a special gymnastic display.

Our graduates performing with excitement during the virtual concert.

Our children performing song and dance performances during the K2 Graduation celebration.