All the centres of NurtureStars Preschool located in the six SAFRA clubs have been observing Singapore Armed Forces Day (SAF) since its inception in 2010. This is year, there is no exception. NurtureStars children, whose fathers are mostly NSmen and SAFRA members, showed their appreciation to the armed forces for their contribution to our nation’s defence with various activities on 1 July 2021.
Many of the children turned up at the centres in army colours. Each centre had its own activities. They include learning about national defence and the history of the SAF, creating cards and posters with appreciation messages, and taking photos to salute our soldiers.
The Toa Payoh centre invited one of the children’s father to share his story as a soldier in the army with K1 and K2 classes. First Warrant Officer (1WO) Mr Anselm Chelliah brought along his field pack to show the children essentials items that are usually required for mobilisation.
Every SAF Day on 1 July, Singapore marks its appreciation to all service men and women who are committed to the defence of our nation. For members of the SAF, it is a day they remember their story and reaffirm their calling.

1WO Anselm Chelliah shows how an SBO is worn.

1WO Anselm Chelliah sharing with the children the importance of nation defence.

Our little star learning to apply camo cream for K1 Teacher Ms Cherie.

A special thank you card done by our children to salute our NSmen.