NurtureStars SAFRA Jurong marked Children’s Day on 2 October 2020 with a “Little Entrepreneurs” project that raised $3,000 for Ju Eng Home for Senior Citizens.
In view of the Covid-19 precautionary measures, the project this year did not involve the parents and there was no sale of food and handicraft items. Instead, there was a carnival-like programme of games for the children to play.
Parents were encouraged to contribute to the charity effort by purchasing coupons for their children to participate in the games. The proceeds, as well as donations received, all went to the Ju Eng Home.
All the children who participated each received a NurtureStars premium Lunch box as a memento.
NurtureStars’ Little Entrepreneur Programme (LEP) is an annual project designed to enrich children’s learning by giving them first-hand experience and knowledge on how to think, work and manage a business like an entrepreneur. Each year, the proceeds raised were donated to NurtureStars’ designated charity – Ju Eng Home, which provides shelter and care for the aged and the frail aged, destitute or otherwise, irrespective of race and religion. The theme for the LEP programme this year is “The Magic of Giving”.

All decked up for the event.

What a cute tattoo..

Fish it up and win!